Tips to overcome Vitamin Deficiency

The oral cavity is an area, which has the potential of
developing diseases or other problems linked to the deficiency of the vitamin.
Dentist considers the mouth a good indicator to determine the potential root
cause of the problems related to vitamin deficiencies in the body of a patient.
The role of the vitamins is significant in keeping the balance of human body by
balancing the different parts of a body to a normal level. If you need advice,
Dentist Santa Clarita is one of the options. Moreover, vitamins are essential
in maintaining the good oral health by preventing diseases. Therefore, one
should consult the dentist to improve the intake of vitamins in the diet.
Many vitamins are needed for good oral health, for
example, vitamin D, and vitamin A are required for anti-rachitic. The use of
vitamin E is helpful for the sterility. Similarly, vitamin C is needed for
preventing Beri-Beri. The vitamin B5 is often recommended for avoiding
dermatitis by increasing the immunity of your body. Dentists must be consulted
before taking the vitamin so that the vitamins will not affect your health
adversely. Moreover, one must take into account the side effects of vitamins
because some people are allergic to the certain vitamin. Additionally, some
people incorporate fruits and vegetables instead of taking supplements or
If you have a deficiency of vitamin A, you may experience
keratin formation because of the keratinizing and metaplasia of epithelium. The
formation of keratin causes blockage of saliva duct, which can become a reason
of other complex issues related to oral health. It can also delay the
development of the teeth due to keratin formation. Similarly, the formation of
enamel is also affected by keratin formation in form of making the teeth weak.
The epithelial tissue sometimes attacks or overpowers the Pulpal tissue, which
is harmful to the dental health. And when the Pulpal tissue is surrounded by
other tissue, it prevents the normal growth of teeth.

The deficiency of vitamin K in the body can trigger the
problems of coagulation, which is very uncommon in people. Moreover, the level
of prothrombin below the 20% is another bad symptom; it aggravates the chances
of spontaneous gingival hemorrhages that can disturb the dental formation in a
negative way. Another cause is gingival is bleeding, especially after the
brushing of the teeth or when prothrombin level falls down to the 35%. This
affects the normal development of teeth and gums, which are considered normal
for the oral hygiene. Furthermore, the deficiency of vitamin K can cause
serious gums diseases by affecting the dental health. Hence, the role of a
dentist is crucial in guiding people to avoid this deficiency in them.
The lowers levels of vitamin C in the body directly make
you prone to scurvy and it also is known as Ascorbic acid. To put simply, it
makes the gums weak by making them spongy and swollen. Vitamin C deficiency
also causes scurvy buds in the mouth. In the serious cases, it can promote the
damage or bleeding of periodontal membrane. As a result, the teeth losses the
mobility and becomes weak due to a brittle bone structure of the jaws.
Therefore, the dentist must assist people in avoiding this problem in form of
recommending increased use of vitamin C and enhanced intake of lemon and
oranges in the diet.

Most of the children develop the deficiency, especially
kids who do not take milk on regular basis. It can become a reason of Cheilosis
by causing cracks or inflammation around the corners of the mouth. It is mostly
apparent at the angles of the mouth. Glossitis is another issue related to
deficiency and an inflammation of the tongue. This means that the tongue is
swollen in form of mushroom near the filiform papillae. And the color of the
tongue changes to magenta. In other words, the swelling of the tongue will
cause pain and makes it difficult for the patient to speak normally. It also
leads to difficulty in eating food.
If you lack an adequate amount of the folic acid in your
body, it can cause macrocytic anemia, which is an inflammation of the tongue.
When the tongue is swollen, it causes difficulty in speaking by making the
tongue heavy. Therefore, discomfort in the mouth is enhanced while eating food.
Moreover, some people are unable to brush the teeth due to this condition that
increases the chance of bacterial activity in the mouth leading to complex
issues. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that dentists must
suggest preventive measures for avoiding this condition and they can give
patients additional folic acid for fighting this disease in an effective
The use of vitamins is part and parcel of normal growth
and good dental health. Furthermore, the role of a dentist is very important in
prescribing the dosage of vitamins for preventing diseases related to
deficiency of vitamins. The normal functioning of the body is dependent on the
regular intake of vitamins from different sources. Sometimes the use of the
supplements is suggested for people who have a high deficiency in the body. It
implies that it is good to consult the dentists before going for the intake of
the vitamin in form of vitamin supplements. In the ideal case, vitamin intake
can be compensated by increasing the natural sources of vitamin and having good
quality of food
To conclude, the intake of vitamins is essential for your
body as well as for the oral health. The role of diet is pivotal to determine
the dental health. Likewise, the use of raw fruits and vegetables is
recommended for meeting the vitamin needs of the body. Accordingly, the
deficiency of vitamin is very helpful in diagnosing different diseases in the
body. So, a dentist can read the signs of grave problems from your oral health,
as it can predict the dentin-enamel of another disease in other parts of the
body. This means that the oral health determines the overall health of the body
if you overcome the deficiency of vitamins.
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